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Attic Insulation Q&A

You want to keep your home as energy efficient as possible and one way you can do this is through proper insulation. Especially in the summer, your attic could reach stifling temperatures since heat rises and this can ultimately cause damage to your shingles and roof as a whole. If you have an attic that's too hot, it may be time to invest in attic insulation. However, we found that homeowners have a lot of questions when it comes to attic insulation, so we decided to answer some of those questions for you!

  2063 Hits

7 Facts You Should Know About Solar Panel Roofing

Do you ever find yourself being completely uninformed on a subject until it becomes relevant to you? You suddenly realize that you're not quite as knowledgeable as you think you should be, and scramble to find information. We find this to be true when it comes to solar panel roofing as many people aren't fully aware of the options, benefits, and details. We're here to explain the top 7 things you should know about solar panel roofing – whether you think you need it or not. 

  2177 Hits

Severe Weather Preparedness


Storms are unpredictable – despite meteorologists' best efforts to prepare the public for what's to come, whether it be your typical summer thunderstorm or the effects of Hurricane Irma (2017) felt by people all over Georgia. That's why you should get a step ahead and make sure your home is secure and ready to take on both small and large storms. Life happens, so preparation doesn't prevent damage, but it can minimize it. That's why we made a list of ways to prepare your home for bad weather, and what to check for when a storm gives your preparation a run for its money. 

  2591 Hits

How Gutters Can Save You Money

If you've lived in Georgia for an extended amount of time, you know that the summers are long, the air is humid, and the pop-up storms are frequent. There's nothing quite like a good summer storm...except for when your rain gutters aren't able to withstand the downpours. To keep damage to a minimum and savings to a maximum, you need gutters that are installed properly and regularly maintained. Whether it be eliminating repair costs or collecting rainwater to save money on your water bill, your gutters play more of a role than you might think. 

  2311 Hits

A Brief History of Roofing

A brief history of roofing

In history books, you read about a time before electricity, cars, and other modern-day luxuries, but was there a time without roofs? Since the beginning of time, humans have sought after a place to protect them from the effects of weather. Each culture and region called for different roofing strategies and materials, but it was vital to daily life both then and now. The evolution of roofing has taken place over thousands of years, and we continue to make strides in the roofing industry, combining some of the world's oldest techniques with the technology of today. 

  2244 Hits

8 Reasons Your Roof is Leaking

Tarps protecting a leaky roof

No one wants to deal with a leaky roof, but it's something that can't always be avoided for a variety of reasons. When your roof begins to leak, it's not an issue you should overlook as it could lead to an expensive and health-compromising problem. Let's look at some of the dangers that can occur because of a leak.

  2220 Hits